First of all...isn't our daughter the most beautiful little girl you've ever seen?! Mmm. I love her. ...Ok...moving on...Boo on viruses. On Labor day we had a BBQ at our house and right before our friends started arriving i got on my computer to check my email and a message popped up on my screen that said, "You have a virus! Goodbye" followed by a flipping smiley face, and then my computer shut off. I turned it back on and everything was gone. The entire hard drive was d.e.l.e.t.e.d. I went between screaming Seth's name in hysterics and bawling so hard i couldn't talk. All our pictures were on there...over 5000 pictures!! So what does a girl do when her whole world seems to stop? She calls her mom. When i told my mom what had happened she gave me the number of a brilliant guy in her ward who is a literal computer genius. She helped me calm down enough to call him and figure out a solution. Long story short i gained my composure, redid my makeup, and had a ridiculously fun BBQ with our friends. THEN afterwards i took my computer to the computer genius's (Aaron) house, and low & behold he ended up recovering all of my pictures with his fancy software. He is such an incredibly selfless person. Thank goodness for kind and generous people who use their talents to help out little ol' people like me! Here are some pictures of our BBQing fun and some really good friends! (SIDENOTE: i don't know if i ever blogged about it but i surprised Seth with a BBQ for Father's Day. He has wanted one for a while and always looking at them when we go to Lowe's, so i had a pretty good idea which one he'd like. So i had his best friend assemble it for him while he was out golfing and then when he got home i had him open up his first gift- "BBQing utensils"! I've never seen him run so fast to the back door! :) My dad (the master of BBQing) showed him the ropes and he's been learning and doing very well since then!)Here's
Nicci waiting for Daddy to get home to find his surprise!
Seth's 'firing up the grill' for the first time!!
Dad is showing Seth the ropes!

Flying solo on Labor Day!!
Our Labor Day Party
from left: Ryan & Lacie, (little Roxy), Jess & Anton, JB & Kaity, Dan (Amanda had to work :( we missed you!), Me, Seth, & Nicci
My beautiful best friend Kaity & her boyfriend JB. Nicci LOVES JB and always steals his hat when he comes over. So cute.

Sweet & adorable Lacie is pregnant and ready to pop! She is so cute with Nicci and will make such a fabulous mother. Then there's her hubby Ryan & (Amanda's hubby) Dan assembling 2 more of our chairs so we'd have enough sitting room. Thanks boys!

The happy parents-to-be!!

Jess & Anton are such great people! We met them when Jess called me about our ad for selling the Civic. Since then we've been good friends. Thank goodness for selling our car! We feel very blessed to have met them. 
Funny story: Nicci walked up to me and told me she needed a napkin. I thought she looked pretty clean but gave her one anyway. Then as i watched her walk off i heard her say, "Dan needs napkin..." then she proceeded to walk up to Dan and wipe off his face! It was SO CUTE!!

We kicked off our night with some serious DDR competitions! Kaity & Seth rocked and JB & Ryan were so brave to try it for the FIRST time! We didn't get pictures of all of us doing it but these pictures should give a good visual. :)

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives! Thank you all for coming, and thank you Aaron for saving our computer!
After the partay was over Kaity, JB, Seth, & i decided we were going to have some fun with the camera...and actually some of the pictures turned out really cool! Prepare yourself for pure awesomeness...(or just sheer craziness...)