1. What is your husband's name? Seth Kimball Rasmussen
2. How long have you been together? On March 10th it will be 3 years
3. How long did you date? That could get complicated...
4. How old is he? 24
5. Who eats more? Seth for sure!
6. Who said I love you first? Seth :)
7. Who is taller? Let me think...probably Seth.
8. Who sings better? DEFINITELY Seth. It's the only way i got to sleep when i was pregnant. :)
9. Who is smarter? Seth for sure
10. Whose temper is worse? Mine. I've only seen Seth get angry 3 times since i've known him.
11. Who does the laundry? Me
12. Who does the dishes? We both do, it's really fun, and it usually ends up in a water fight!
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? haha. Well it depends. Seth has been very particular about that lately. He woke me up in the middle of the night about 2 weeks ago and asked me to switch him sides...so as for right now...i sleep on the right side! :)
14. Who pays the bills? Seth works VERY hard to provide the money, and i take it and pay the bills
15. Who mows the lawn? The landscapers...
16. Who cooks dinner? um...Mom & Dad...sometimes Amanda, OR the cooks at Outback, Cafe Rio, Cheesecake Factory, Wendy's, and sometimes McDonald's
17. Who drives when you are together? That's a FUNNY question! Well usually Seth has a "good reason" why i shouldn't drive because he likes to, BUT in my defense he's got 6 tickets since we've been married (and it's been 6 YEARS since i got one) so that usually trumps HIS defense which is mostly, "Brandi you don't have your glasses!" ...but to answer the question...he does. :) Because he's so cute i usually let him drive. ;)
18. Who is more stubborn? That is DEFINITELY a tie! ...maybe leaning a little toward me ;)
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? 95% of the time, Seth
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine :) We prefer to hang out with them versus ANY other friends! (no offense Amanda)
21. Who proposed? Seth
22. Who is more sensitive? It depends on what. ...but probably me
23. Who has more friends? Me
24. Who has more siblings? Seth, he has 6!
25. Who wears the pants in the family? Definitely Nicci!
26. Where did you meet? At a joint "toilet papering" extravaganza in 2002! He was the crazy driver and i was the crazy girl that sat on his lap and steered! Let's just say it's a miracle we're still alive to talk about it...
27. What was the first thing you said to your husband? (This was a couple months later when we were in college at UNLV. I can't remember anything i specifically said before this) "..yes, i guess you can carry my backpack.." He was so cute. He walked up to me and said, "Hi, i'm Seth can i carry your backpack for you and walk you to class?" (he was the most handsome guy i had ever seen!)
28. Where was your first date? that could get complicated as well... but we'll say it was the "Green & Gold Ball"
29. Where was your first kiss? On my doorstep :)
30. Where did you get engaged? On TOP of Sunrise Mountain, looking RIGHT down on top of the temple where we were sealed! It was a fairytale!
31. Where were you married? The Las Vegas Temple
32. Where was the honeymoon? All of Southern California! It rocked! We went Sky Diving, spent a lot of our time on the beach, went to Six Flags & Knotts...it was amazing.
33. If you could have changed anything about it what would it have been? LESS communication with the outside world! :)
2nd Tag-
Now, thanks to Ashley, i have to empty the insides of my purse. Prepare yourself for Brandi's "Purse CHECK!"...
GOSH. I think that's all. :)
I'm so glad I'm finally getting credit for all my slavery here in the Rasmussen household!...totally kidding, I don't mind being a cook and if I might add I cook very tasty dishes and I'm thankful for your gracious loaning of the nice cookwear. And I finally got my other Christmas present...that's where it's been buried for that last month. :)
Very cute post! Definitely couldn't live without the VS mints or Excedrin Migraine! Do tell me more about this nannies diary thing. Do you have a nanny?
HAHAHA! NO. We don't have a nanny. I AM a nanny for the 4 and 5 star hotels. I haven't worked since June BUT i absolutely LOVE it and it's good money just to meet wonderful children and have neat experiences (well...mmost of the time). The best part is that i get to tell THEM when i want to work, so whenever i feel like i need a break i call them up and say, "Hi, i want to work tonight." AND BUYAH! I'm at the Wynn... or whatever. ANYWAY. yeah. I am the official nanny. lol.
And AMEN on the Excedrin...wow. It's my BEST friend.
Mmm! Cafe Rio! They cook for us pretty often as well!
Can I just say that line number 25. Who wears the pants in the family? Definitely Nicci! Is exactly how I fell very often about Emma. Funny! I think I will copy your tag and post one of my own. I like the question and answer thing, besides we haven't had anything exciting to post about in awhile and I have a need. A need to post! :) (I'm such a dork!)
Yep, that was me at Cafe Rio!
First of all your purse is so cute. Thats a fun tag because the things you keep in your purse really say a lot about you (not just you, anyone in general). I need to get a bigger purse so I can keep all of Hudsons and my stuff in it instead of carrying around five different things. ps Where do you work out?
Ok so I just realized that both tags were on the same post so now I am going to comment on the husband post. lol. No I didnt see yours first. I saw it on a differnt friends blog. I like yours though because it has more questions. We got engaged in almost the same spot. You were on the mountain looking at the temple and we were in a helicopter looking down at the temple. Thats awesome. We do need to hang out. It would be so fun.
Brandi when you drove my car I didn't even think you could see out the front window because you are so short. Not only that but I couldn't get back into my car until I moved the seat back! Good times, good times.
Can I just say I think you and your family are so cute!! By the way I love your purse!!
haha, I dont!! I want to start working out, but I have never been into the whole lvac or 24 hour thing. They are just to big for me. I think I am going to try Fitness 19 because its cheap and because they have free childcare. I have just read in the past that you love to work out so I wondered where.
wow-that was great to learn all that seeing as how I didn't know ANY of it before so I'm really glad you got tagged!
TADA! You have been linked.
I love all your tactics to avoid the dating questions...though I have to say your dating story is my number one favorite of any story I've ever heard. You guys crack me up. Love ya!
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