So this morning Nicci was a gem. We had our regular morning loveliness and this afternoon was Tom's funeral. Nicci & i got ready and left the house in a fabulous mood. We headed to Walmart, (the place that i will love watch burn in hell someday) and we found a nice sympathy card for Tom's family. As i was checking out i set my cell phone down next to the key pad you pay with. All of a sudden Nicci started freaking out and taking all the candy off the shelf. Now consciously i thought to myself, "it's not worth over-reacting...just handle her with love" i bent down to talk to her. That was my first BIG mistake. (sarcasm) Then the lady reached over and handed me my receipt & card, and i swooped Nicci up and walked away. LESS THAN 20 seconds later i realized i forgot my phone. SO i turned around to get it. It was gone. Yes. gone. I asked the lady, "Did you see my phone??" And she turned to me and said, "Do i look like your phone watcher?" WHAT the freaking...blank! I was torn between ripping her head off and sitting down on the floor sobbing my guts out. I asked if she had seen the person after me...or anything...what they looked like, girl or guy...and all i got was her snippy attitude that to this very minute still repulses me. I asked her if i could use her phone to call MY phone and she told me to use a payphone. Yes ladies and gentlemen, i met the female Satan today. I started to cry as i ran off with Nics to find a payphone while praying that i wouldn't be late for the funeral when a sweet gentleman yelled after me. He offered me his cell phone as he began to cuss everyone out for being so inconsiderate to my situation. It was unbelievable. I called my phone and, surprise surprise, it was off. I called Seth a million times but he didn't answer so i called my mom who got ahold of him and he canceled my number with T-mobile so that the 'jerk face pathetic dill weed thief' couldn't use my phone. Now you all might be wondering why i am SO upset about this...well, let me tell ya why. First, i've had my same SIM card for almost 7 years. I have phone numbers i'll NEVER get back. That makes me very sad...very. And Second...and MOST important...WHY? Tell me WHY ANYONE would steal a pink phone from a young mother WHILE she's trying to be very patient and understanding to her little girl who doesn't understand that candy is to be left on the shelf?! I mean seriously. AND PLEASE someone tell me what bee flew into the cashier's ear...why was she SO inconsiderate...why was she so determined NOT to help me?? BECAUSE. You want my opinon? SHE stole it. People can be SO mean. SO inconsiderate. SO just...downright, disappointing. It makes me very sad to think that there really are people out there that could give a rat's pa-toot about another person's well being. I mean, there are people who don't care about hurting anyone...there are people who open car doors HARD and smack the car next to them without giving it a second thought! (That happened to me today too!...I was IN the car and the person who hit me basically said they could care less...yeah...) I just wish people cared. I wish people had more integrity. I was raised by a mother who would walk back to a store in 6 feet of snow to GIVE BACK 2 cents that the cashier accidentally gave her extra in change...i was raised to stop what you're doing to help someone in need, even if it's a stranger. I know no different than to sincerely care for other people's well beings. And today, i got reminded over and over and over again that there are sad pathetic people in this world who just don't care. It's sad.
So. What have i learned from all of this today? I realized that i myself need to be better to other people around me throughout my day. Someone who just cut me off might be rushing to the hospital to say their last words to a family member they love dearly. The short tempered man in Walmart who cuts me in line might not even know i'm standing there because so much is on his mind. And the adorable 2 year old who's screaming because she wanted to go with 'Grandma instead of Mommy' simply misses her Grandma and knows no other way to express her feelings than to cry...and i need to be loving and sympathetic to her needs. During this entire move there's been times i've cried...because i want my mom. Everyone knows how that is. Everyone knows how it is to miss someone and cry uncontrollably...everyone knows how it is to speed and accidentally (or purposely) cut someone off and honestly feel bad about it...everyone knows how it is to have so much on your mind you don't see the person you totally just ignored and cut in line. We ALL know how it is to hurt, to be sad, to be short, or in a hurry...if only we could master the ability to be more tolerant and loving towards those harder to love at times. That's what i learned today. I need to be more tolerant of the not-so-nice ladies that check me out at Walmart...or more tolerant of the mother who smashed her car door into mine because she was trying to get her crying child out of her 2 door car. I need to be more forgiving, more loving, and more capable of saying, "The poor guy that stole my phone obviously needed it more than i do"...and move on. I've had an insane day. Seth had class late and so i crashed at my parent's house and everything slowly started to fall into perspective. I'm so blessed to have them in my life. I complain about living 30 minutes away from them...but i have them so much closer to me than most people have their parents. I complain about never seeing Seth, but here he is, right next to me... staring at me with a his sweet smile i could never live without. And there's times i complain about having Nicci...and then i realize how self involved i am. She is such a blessing. I was talking to the T-mobile lady and she said ", everything you've been through today and then on top of it all you have a two year old!" And i thought to myself...'YES. On top of it ALL i have a beautiful miracle i can look at, hold, kiss, and laugh with when my world is falling down around me. Yes, on top of it all, there she is -my 2 year old- with open arms ready to hold Mommy when Mommy can't stand any longer. I love my little girl. I love my Husband. I love my wise and wonderful parents. I trials. Without days like this, how would we ever savor the true things in this world that really matter? We couldn't. SO, i guess, hooray for no good very bad days! :)
ahhh..dont you love those days when everything goes wrong and your kid wants nothing to do with youand hates everything you try and give them..haha logan has been having those days latly! lol well when do i get to see pictures of the new house or see it!!?? do you have the same number??
Nicci wasn't so bad yesterday...she always has a way of soothing my bad days. :) I love being a mom.
I need to post those pictures! I have them, i just haven't taken 5 minutes to post them. I will soon i PROMISE! You're welcome to come by if you like, just call me and let me know when is good for you. :) Yeah, my number is the same. But i don't have yours! What is it?
You're sweet! I love your posts. I'll e-mail you my phone number! (We really do need to get together one of these days!)
Finally...I've missed your posts! Yea, terrible two's are so much fun! Kaden started at 18months so count your blessings, she is so sweet! I'm so sorry about your phone, I too lost my phone this week, but it was because I by accidentally threw it..long story and it literally broke in half! So I will need to get your number again, somehow! I love you!
Lol!! Sounds like fun!! Well... I decided to be lazy and just post my phone number here... i mean... who wants my number anyway... lol. Hope everything is going good!! Tell midgee and seth hi for me!!
Yes...trials are a great thing if we can learn from them what we are supposed to! I have learned this too...even MORE recently as I have been working in a customer service position. People are really quick to lose their temper and blame the world, but we can all control ourselves a little better. I'm hoping that things will improve drastically in the next few days so that you can get some much needed rest! Good luck!
P.S. If you need me to watch Nicci for a bit (I live right down Eastern; so close to Anthem) so you can get some rest, just let me know. I have Wednesday off from work, or I could come over after work sometime next week. Good luck!
I agree. We all need to be a little more sympathetic. As far as the road rage goes, the brethren are always talking about that in conference and I definitely need to work on it!
I hope Nicci is less afraid of the house now! :-)
ok so im such a idiot. I was the last two posts that are deleted. I read through it after i had posted it and it was all confusing. So to be brief. im sorry about your phone that totally stinks. lol. I just dont want to write it all again. Also, I cant wait to see pictures of the house.
You're right what an awful day! I'm so sorry. It's all a life lesson isn't it? Did I mention that Nicci is just precious???
Before I was done reading your post I thought the check-out lady took your phone! I'm SO sorry!!
But on a Way better note it was SO NICE to meet you in person! When you asked me if I was me I instantly knew that it was you!! =)
Oh man! People can be so rude sometimes! If only they knew you were on your way to a funeral of a very dear friend. You're so amazing to put things into perspective and be so understanding! Sometimes I can, but it really takes me awhile, especially on a bad day. Hopefully Nicci will grow to like her new house! She's so dang cute!
We would LOVE to get together! We have a lot of moving to do this weekend, so would next Saturday work? We will be going up to Provo for my graduation, then come back down for that weekend and stuff. Does that work? Plus, I can still watch Nicci for you if you'd like! :O)
You know I was just thinking about why the clerk was rude...She was just jealous! Thanks for the insight. It's made my day.
What a profound way to reflect back on a day such as that. We all have those days, but how many of us are able to see the blessings in it all. Thank you so much forthe reminder to be grateful for even our WORST days!
On a different note...we should hit a park or something while the weather is so beautiful & let the munchkins play!
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